These are established by the league for all regularly scheduled games, confirmed by the league for all make-up games.

  • Regular season play is on Sunday from 9AM to dusk depending on teams and facilities available.

  • Make-up games may be scheduled during the week if scheduled according to league procedures.

  • A team is expected to routinely have enough players available to field a team anytime during scheduled game hours.

  • The home team is responsible to confirm the game time, jersey colors, field, and directions with the visiting team coach no later than 3 days before the game date.


  • Referees will be paid cash in small bills at the field prior to the start of each match. Exact change in sealed envelopes coded for your club/team for each referee is strongly encouraged.

  • The EPYSA referee Fees are available on the Referee Fee Schedule.

  • Half (½) of the fee for each referee will be paid by each team for each game.

  • If only 2 certified referees are available one will be the primary and one will be an assistant and should be paid accordingly. Volunteer club linesmen may be used but may only alert the primary referee when the ball is out of bounds, they are not qualified to call “offside” and should not be paid.

  • Note: NCP makes every effort to assign 3 certified referees for all games above the U-10 level (1 referee is assigned). Teams should come prepared to games to pay ½ the fees for 3 referees.


  • See the current FIFA “Laws of the Game.” In summary jerseys will be of the same color for the team with the exception of the keeper who will wear a contrasting jersey. Short colors will be the same color. Socks will be the same color and both socks must match in color.

  • In the event of conflict in jersey color the HOME TEAM is responsible for alternate jerseys or pennies (white t-shirts with player number applied with marker will work). The referee is the final say on whether jerseys are in conflict. In the event a keeper’s jersey conflicts with the opponent’s jerseys, the keeper will be required to change jersey or add a shirt/vest of another color.

  • 6” numbers on the back of the jersey is a requirement; 4” numbers on the front are suggested but not mandatory.

  • Advertisements: Sponsors are often secured and logos may be displayed as long as they are in “good taste”.

  • Metal cleats are discouraged. The referee may disallow the wearing of any studs that are longer than allowed by FIFA rules and/or any stud deemed to have sharp edges.